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A gentle introduction

ArbOS is the child chain hypervisor that facilitates the execution environment of the child chain Arbitrum. ArbOS is a trusted "system glue" component that runs at the child chain as part of the State Transition Function (STF). It accounts for and manages network resources, produces blocks from incoming messages and cross-chain messaging, and operates its instrumented instance of Geth for smart contract execution.

In Arbitrum, much of the work that would otherwise have to be done expensively on the parent chain gets completed by ArbOS, who will trustlessly perform these functions at the speed and low cost of the child chain.

Supporting these functions in the child chain trusted software, rather than building them into the parent chain-enforced rules of the architecture as Ethereum does, offers significant advantages in cost because these operations can benefit from the lower cost of computation and storage at the child chain, instead of having to manage those resources as part of a parent chain contract. Having a trusted operating system at the child chain also has significant advantages in flexibility because the child chain code is easier to evolve or to customize for a particular chain than a parent chain enforced architecture would be.


ArbOS provides child chain-specific precompiles with methods smart contracts can call the same way they can Solidity functions. Visit the precompiles conceptual page for more information about how these work and the precompiles reference page for a full reference of the precompiles available in Arbitrum chains.

A precompile consists of a Solidity interface in contracts/src/precompiles/ and a corresponding Golang implementation in precompiles/. Using Geth's ABI generator, solgen/gen.go generates solgen/go/precompilesgen/precompilesgen.go, which collects the ABI data of the precompiles. The runtime installer uses this generated file to check the type safety of each precompile's implementer.

The installer uses runtime reflection to ensure each implementer has all the right methods and signatures. This reflection includes restricting access to stateful objects like the EVM and statedb based on the declared purity. Additionally, the installer verifies and populates event function pointers to provide each precompile the ability to emit logs and know their gas costs. Additional configuration, like restricting a precompile's methods to only be callable by chain owners is possible by adding precompile wrappers like ownerOnly and debugOnly to their installation entry.

Completion of calling, dispatching, and recording of precompile methods occurs via runtime reflection, which avoids any human error manually parsing and writing bytes could introduce, and uses Geth's stable APIs for packing and unpacking values.

Each time a transaction calls a method of a child chain-specific precompile, a call context gets created to track and record the gas burnt. For convenience, it also provides access to the public fields of the underlying TxProcessor. Because sub-transactions could revert without updates to this struct, the TxProcessor only makes public what is safe, such as the amount of parent chain calldata paid by the top-level transaction.

Precompile descriptions

  • ArbAggregator: Provides methods for configuring transaction aggregation. The Arbitrum One Sequencer is the default aggregator unless changed by users. The precompile manages fee collection and batch posters for chain aggregation.

  • ArbGasInfo: Retrieves various gas-related statistics, including gas prices in both Wei and Ink, parent chain gas price estimates, transaction fees, and congestion metrics. It is crucial in estimating transaction costs and adjusting gas pricing dynamically.

  • ArbRetryableTx: Handles retryable transactions, enabling parent-to-child messaging with delayed execution. The precompile manages retryables, checks expiration times, extends their lifetime, and cancels pending retryables.

  • ArbSys: Provides system-level utilities for interacting with the Arbitrum chain. It exposes methods to retrieve chain-specific information such as block numbers, chain IDs, and gas availability. It also supports child-to-parent messaging and contract aliasing.

  • ArbWasm: Facilitates the deployment and management of Stylus contracts on Arbitrum Nitro. It provides lifecycle management for WASM-based programs, including activation, expiration handling, memory footprint calculation, and version tracking.

  • ArbWasmCache: Manages Stylus caching mechanisms. It allows chain owners or designated managers to cache WASM programs for efficient execution, reduce computation costs, and improve call performance.

  • ArbAddressTable: Implements a compression scheme for frequently used addresses, allowing smart contracts to reference addresses using shorter representations, thus reducing calldata costs.

  • ArbBLS (disabled): Previously used for registering BLS public keys but is deprecated in Nitro.

  • ArbDebug: A debugging tool enabled by the AllowDebugPrecompiles flag. It provides mechanisms to emit test events, trigger reverts, and panic the chain for testing purposes.

  • ArbFunctionTable (no longer used): Originally designed to assist with function table compression, but is now deprecated in Nitro.

  • ArbInfo: Retrieves account information, including balances and deployed contract code, providing a lightweight alternative to calling eth_getCode or eth_getBalance.

  • ArbOwner: Allows chain owners to manage key network parameters, including gas pricing, scheduling upgrades, and setting various chain limits. The precompile is only accessible to chain owners.

  • ArbOwnerPublic: A read-only version of ArbOwner that allows users to query information about current chain owners and governance settings.

  • ArbosTest (legacy): A historical precompile used for burning arbitrary amounts of gas. It has limited utility in Nitro.

  • ArbStatistics: Provides historical data about the chain's state before the Nitro upgrade. Most functions that required this precompile in Arbitrum Classic now have better alternatives.


An L1IncomingMessage represents an incoming sequencer message. A message includes one or more user transactions depending on load and is made into a unique child chain block. The child chain block may include additional system transactions while processing the message's user transactions. However, ultimately, the relationship is still bijective: for every L1IncomingMessage, there is a child chain block with a unique child chain block hash, and for every child chain block after chain initialization, there was an L1IncomingMessage that made it. A sequencer batch may contain more than one L1IncomingMessage.


A retryable is a special message type for creating atomic parent chain to child chain messages; for details, see L1-to-L2 messaging.

ArbOS state

ArbOS's state is viewed and modified via ArbosState objects, which provide convenient abstractions for working with the underlying data of its backingStorage. The backing storage's keyed subspace strategy makes ArbosState's convenient getters and setters possible, minimizing the need to work directly with the specific keys and values of the underlying storage's stateDB.

Because two ArbosState objects with the same backingStorage contain and mutate the same underlying state, different ArbosState objects can provide different views of ArbOS's contents. Burner objects, which track gas usage while working with the ArbosState, provide the internal mechanism. Some are read-only, causing transactions to revert with vm.ErrWriteProtection upon a mutating request. Others demand the caller have elevated privileges. Meanwhile, others dynamically charge users when doing stateful work. This view is chosen for safety when OpenArbosState() creates the object and may never change.

Must of ArbOS's state exists to facilitate its precompiles. The parts that aren't are detailed below.

arbosVersion, updgradeVersion and upgradeTimestamp ArbOS upgrades are scheduled to happen when finalizing the first block after the upgradeTimestamp.


This component maintains the last 256 parent chain block hashes in a circular buffer. This component allows the TxProcessor to implement the BLOCKHASH and NUMBER opcodes and supports the precompile methods that involve the outbox. To avoid changing the ArbOS state outside of a transaction, blocks made from messages with a new parent chain–block number update this info during an InternalTxUpdateL1BlockNumber ArbitrumInternalTx included as the first transaction of the block.


In addition to supporting the ArbAggregator precompile, the parent chain pricing state provides tools for determining the parent chain component of a transaction's gas costs. This part of the state tracks the total amount of funds collected from transactions in parent chain gas fees and the funds spent by batch posters to post data breaches on the parent chain.

Based on this information, ArbOS maintains a parent chain data fee, which is also tracked as part of this state, determining how much transaction fees will cost for parent chain fees. ArbOS dynamically adjusts this value so that fees collected are approximately equal to batch posting costs.

Parent chain pricing model

Efficient handling of parent chain gas costs is crucial for the Arbitrum network's scalability and economic sustainability. The Sequencer implements a dynamic parent chain pricing model to ensure that fees collected from transactions closely match the actual costs incurred when posting data to the parent chain. This section details the challenges in pricing parent chain resources, how fees are collected and allocated, and how the system adjusts to maintain equilibrium over time.

Challenges in pricing parent chain resources

There are two main challenges in accurately pricing parent chain resources:

  1. Apportioning batch costs among transactions:

    • Compression complexity: The data posted to the parent chain is compressed using a general-purpose compression algorithm (Brotli). The effectiveness of compression depends on shared patterns among transactions in a batch.

    • Contribution estimation: It's difficult to determine how much a specific transaction contributes to the overall compressibility of the batch.

    • Ideal vs. practical: Ideally, transactions that enhance compressibility would get charged less, but there's no efficient way to calculate this precisely within the constraints of the STF.

  2. Assessing parent chain fees at sequencing time:

    • Determinism requirement: The parent chain fee charged to a transaction must be known when the transaction is sequenced to maintain the determinism of the STF.

    • Future uncertainty: At sequencing time, the actual cost of the batch is unknown because it depends on:

      • The parent chain base fee at the future time of batch posting

      • The remaining contents of the batch affect its size and compressability

    • Impossibility of exact charges: Charging based on future information is not feasible, so the system must rely on estimations.

Nitro's approach to addressing the challenges

To overcome these challenges, Arbitrum's Nitro implements a two-fold strategy:

  1. Estimated relative footprint

    • Estimated size is calculated for each transaction and measured in data units to approximate its impact on batch size.
  2. Adaptive fee per data unit

    • A dynamic fee per data unit is determined at any given time, adjusting to align collected fees with actual costs.

Apprortioning costs among transactions

To approximate each transaction's contribution to parent chain costs, Arbitrum employs the following method:

  • Compression estimation:

    • Each transaction individually compresses using the Brotli compressor at its lowest compression level (fastest setting).

    • This approach reduces computational overhead within the STF.

  • Data unit calculation:

    • The size of the compressed transaction is multiplied by 16 (since Ethereum charges 16 gas per non-zero byte).

    • This product represents the transaction's estimated footprint in data units.

  • Rationale:

    • This method approximates the transaction's size after full batch compression.

    • While not exact, it's computationally efficient and suitable for real-time processing.

Determining cost per data unit

Charging a transaction based on the parent chain base fee is not viable due to:

  • ArbOS limitations:

    • ArbOS cannot directly measure the parent chain base fee

    • Relying on the Sequencer to report the parent chain base fee isn't secure, as it could manipulate fees for profit

  • Approximation errors:

    • The estimated data units per transaction don't precisely reflect parent chain costs

    • The total number of data units charged may not be directly proportional to the Sequencer's expenses

Adaptive pricing algorithm

To align collected fees with actual costs, Arbitrum uses an adaptive algorithm with two primary goals:

  1. Cost alignment

    • Minimize the long-term difference between collected fees and the Sequencer's parent chain costs
  2. Stability

    • Avoid sudden fluctuations in the data price, ensuring a stable fee environment

Pricer components

The pricer module within ArbOS tracks:

  • Amount owed to the Sequencer:

    • The cumulative parent chain costs incurred by the Sequencer for batch posting
  • Reimbursement fund:

    • Collects all funds charged to transactions for parent chain fees

    • Acts as a pool to reimburse the Sequencer

  • Data unit count:

    • The total number of recent data units processed

    • Increases with each transaction's estimated data units

  • Current parent chain data unit price:

    • The adaptive fee per data unit expressed in Wei

Algorithm for price adjustment

When the Sequencer posts a batch to the parent chain inbox:

  1. Batch posting report generation:

    • The parent chain inbox inserts a "batch posting report" transaction into the chain's delayed inbox

    • After a delay, this report gets processed by ArbOS's pricer module

  2. Processing the batch posting report:

    • Compute batch cost:

      • ArbOS calculates the actual cost of posting the batch by:

        • Retrieving the batch data from the inbox state

        • Counting zero and non-zero bytes to determine parent chain gas usage

      • The cost is added to the amount owed to the Sequencer

    • Update data units:

      • Calculate the data units assigned to this update (Uupd)(U_{\text{upd}})

        Uupd=U×TupdTprevTTprevU_{\text{upd}} = U \times \frac{T_{\text{upd}} - T_{\text{prev}}}{T - T_{\text{prev}}}
      • UU: Total recent data units

      • TT: Current time

      • TupdT_{\text{upd}}: Time when the update occurred

      • TprevT_{\text{prev}}: Time of the previous update

      • Subtract UupdU_{\text{upd}} from the total UU

    • Reimburse the Sequencer:

      • Pay the Sequencer from the reimbursement fund:

        • The amount paid is the lesser of the amount owed or the fund balance.
      • Deduct the paid amount from both the reimbursement fund and the amount owed

    • Compute surplus and derivative:

      • Surplus (SS):

        S=Reimbursement Fund BalanceAmount OwedS = \text{Reimbursement Fund Balance} - \text{Amount Owed}
      • Derivative of surplus (DD):

        • D=SSprevUupdD = \frac{S - S_{\text{prev}}}{U_{\text{upd}}}

        • SprevS_{\text{prev}}: Surplus at the previous update

    • Compute derivative goal(DD'):

      • Establish a target derivative to eliminate surplus over time:

        • D=SED' = -\frac{S}{E}

        • EE: Equilibration constant (time horizon for balancing surplus).

    • Adjust price (ΔP)\Delta P)):

      • Calculate the change in the data unit price:

        • ΔP=(DD)×Uupdα+Uupd\Delta P = \frac{(D' - D) \times U_{\text{upd}}}{\alpha + U_{\text{upd}}}

        • α\alpha: Smoothing parameter to prevent abrupt changes

      • Update the price:

        • P=max(0,Pprev+ΔP)P = \max(0, P_{\text{prev}} + \Delta P)
    • Outcome:

      • The adaptive algorithm adjusts the parent chain-data unit price to align collected fees with actual costs.

      • Ensures that the Sequencer gets fairly reimbursed while avoiding surpluses or deficits.

Additional Considerations

  • Per-unit rewards:

    • An optional per-unit reward can be included and payable to a designated address.

    • Useful for covering additional expenses such as infrastructure or operations.

  • Recompression scenarios:

    • Recompression of existing batch segments may occur if:

      • The batch exceeds the maximum size limits

      • The batch hasn't been properly closed

  • Compression levels:

    • Dynamic adjustments of compression levels based on backlog size (BB):

      • Compression level (CLCL):

        • For B20B \leq 20

          • CL=min(6,UC)CL = \min(6, UC)
        • For 20<B<6020 < B < 60

          • CL=UCCL = UC
        • For B>60B > 60

          • CL=min(4,UC)CL = \min(4, UC)
      • Recompression level (RLRL):

        • For B<40B < 40:

          • RL=UCRL = UC
        • For B40B \geq 40:

          • RL=min(6,UC)RL = \min(6, UC)
      • UCUC: User-configured compression level

Retrieving parent chain fee information

Users and developers can access parent chain fee-related data through the following methods:

  • Parent chain gas base fee estimate:

    • Method: ArbGasInfo.getL1BaseFeeEstimate()

    • Purpose: Retrieves the current estimated parent–gas base fee for calculating transaction costs.

  • Estimating transaction parent chain fees:

    • Methods:

      • NodeInterface.gasEstimateComponents()

      • NodeInterface.gasEstimateL1Component()

    • Purpose: Provides an estimate of the parent chain gas a transaction will consume.

  • Transaction receipts:

    • Field: gasUsedForL1

    • Description: Indicates the child chain gas used to cover parent chain costs.


The child chain pricing state tracks child chain resource usage to determine a reasonable child chain gas price. This process considers various factors, including user demand, the state of Geth, and the computational speed limit. The primary mechanism for doing so consists of a pair of pools, one larger than the other, that drain as child chain–specific resources are consumed and filled as time passes. Parent chain-specific resources, such as parent chain calldata, are not accounted for in the pools since they do not directly impact the computational workload of network actors. Instead, the design of the speed limit mechanism regulates execution resources to ensure consistent system performance and synchronization.

While much of this state is accessible through the ArbGasInfo and ArbOwner precompiles, most changes are automatic and happen during block production and the transaction hooks. Each of an incoming message's transactions removes the parent chain component of the gas it uses from the pool. Afterward, the message's timestamp informs the pricing mechanism of the time passed as ArbOS finalizes the block.

ArbOS's larger gas pool determines the per-block gas limit, setting a dynamic upper limit on the amount of compute gas a child chain block may have. This limit is always enforced, though it's done in the GasChargingHook for the first transaction to avoid sharp decreases in the parent chain gas price from over-inflating the compute component purchased to above the gas limit. Enforicng this improves UX by allowing the first transaction to succeed rather than requiring a resubmission. Because the first transaction lowers the space left in the block, subsequent transactions do not employ this strategy and may fail from such compute-component inflation. This space is acceptable because such transactions are only present in cases where the system is under heavy load. The result is that the user's transaction is dropped without charges since the state transition fails early. Those trusting the Sequencer can rely on the transaction being automatically resubmitted in such a scenario.

We need a per-block gas limit because arbitrator WAVM execution is much slower than native transaction execution. This limit means there can only be so much gas, roughly translating to wall-block time–in a child chain block. It also allows ArbOS to limit the size of blocks should demand continue to surge even as the price rises.

ArbOS's per-block gas limit is distinct from Geth's block limit, which ArbOS sets sufficiently high to never run out. This approach is safe since Geth's block limit exists to constrain the work done per block, which ArbOS already does via its own per-block gas limit. Though it'll never run out, a block's transactions use the same Geth gas pool to maintain the invariant that the pool decreases monotonically after each transaction. Block headers use the Geth block limit for internal consistency and to ensure gas estimation works. There are distinct from the gasLeft variable, which ephemerally exists outside of the global state to keep child chain blocks from exceeding ArbOS's per-block gas limit and to deduct space where the state transition failed or used negligible amounts of compute gas. ArbOS does not need to persist gasLeft because its pool induces a revert, and transactions use the Geth block limit during EVM execution.

Child chain gas pricing

The child chain gas price on a given Arbitrum chain has a set floor, which is queriable via ArbGasInfo's getMinimumGasPrice method (currently 0.01 gwei on Arbitrum One and 0.01 gwei on Nova).

Estimating child chain gas

Calling an Arbitrum Node's eth_estimateGas RPC gives a value sufficient to cover the full transaction fee at the given child chain gas price, i.e., the value returned from eth_estimateGas multiplied by the child chain gas price tells you how much total Ether is required for the transaction to succeed. Note that this means that for a given operation the value returned by eth_estimateGas will change over time (as the parent chain calldata price fluctuates). See 2-D fees and How to estimate gas in Arbitrum for more information.

Child chain gas fees

Child chain gas fees work very similarly to gas on Ethereum. The amount of gas is multiplied by the current basefee to get the child chain gas fee charged to the transaction.

The child chain basefee is set by a version of the "exponential mechanism" widely discussed in the Ethereum community and shown to be equivalent to Ethereum's EIP-1559 gas pricing mechanism.

The algorithm compares gas usage against the speed limit parameter, the target amount of gas per second that the chain can handle sustainably over time. (The speed limit on Arbitrum One is 7,000,000 gas per second.) The algorithm tracks a gas backlog. Whenever a transaction consumes gas, it gets added to the backlog. Whenever the clock ticks one second, the speed limit subtracts from the backlog, but the backlog can never go below zero.

Intuitively, if the backlog grows, the algorithm should increase the gas price to slow gas usage because usage is above the sustainable level. If the backlog shrinks, the price should decrease again because usage has been below the sustainable limit so more gas usage can be welcomed.

More precisely, the basefee is an exponential function of the backlog, F = exp(-a(B-b)), where a and b are suitably chosen constants: a controls how rapidly the price escalates with the backlog, and b allows a small backlog before the basefee escalation begins.

Child chain tips

The Sequencer prioritizes transactions on a first-come, first-served basis. Because tips do not make sense in this model, they are ignored. Arbitrum users always pay the basefee regardless of the tip they choose.

Gas estimating retryables

When a transaction schedules another, the subsequent transaction's execution will be included when estimating gas via the node's RPC. Finding a gas estimate for a transaction is only possible if all the transactions succeed at a given gas limit. This estimation is especially important when working with retryables and scheduling redeem attempts.

Because a call to redeem donates all of the call's gas, doing multiple requires limiting the amount of gas provided to each sub-call. Otherwise, the first will take all of the gas and force the second to fail, irrespective of the estimation's gas limit.

Gas estimation for retryable submissions is possible via the NodeInterface and similarly requires the auto-redeem attempt to succeed.

The speed limit

The security of Nitro chains depends on the assumption that when one validator creates an assertion, other validators will check it and respond with a correct assertion and a challenge if it is wrong. This assumption requires that the other validators have the time and resources to check each assertion quickly enough to issue a timely challenge. The Arbitrum protocol takes this into account in setting deadlines for assertions.

This approach sets an effective speed limit on execution of a Nitro chain: in the long run, the chain cannot make progress faster than a validator can emulate its execution. If assertions are published at a rate faster than the speed limit, their deadlines will get farther and farther in the future. Due to the limit enforced by the Rollup protocol contracts on how far a deadline can be in the future, this will eventually cause new assertions to be slowed down, thereby enforcing the effective speed limit.

Being able to set the speed limit accurately depends on being able to estimate the time required to validate an assertion, with some accuracy. Any uncertainty in estimating validation time will force us to lower the speed limit to be safe. We do not want to lower the speed limit, so we try to enable accurate estimation.